16th September 2024

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Serving the people of Huncote

Become a Councillor

Only six candidates were put forward for the eight Parish Councillor seats in Huncote for the election on Thursday 4th May 2023. This meant all six candidates were elected uncontested as Councillors, leaving two vacancies, which could be filled by co-option.

The co-option process offers the opportunity for those who are interested in the community and who can contribute to the planning for the future of the village to stand as a councillor, filling one of the existing vacancies. Altogether we can have up to eight councillors covering the village.

During the last few years Huncote parish has seen much proposed in the way of various new developments in the village (Duncan Avenue (redevelopment)/Quarry View Close, Field View Close, Jelson development off Narborough Road (Pears Way/Preston Way/Haines Road/Daultry Road), Spence Lane and new developments surrounding us which will increase traffic (Stoney Stanton and Lubbesthorpe).

Councillors have been consulted on these developments, and responded to community comments on other developments in the hope of influencing the final conditions on developers. A Neighbourhood Plan has also been produced collectively with nine other parishes in the South of the district, to guide future development to meet the needs of those living here.

In trying to improve the local environment for parishioners in Huncote, Councillors have looked at ways to improve the village with new seating and flower planters being installed and overseen refurbishments of the play area equipment, with a new outdoor gym also being installed, introducing Christmas lights in the centre of the village and on the den, along with contributing to the new BMX track at the Pavilion and supporting the return of a permanent library to the village.

Future projects the council are working on include a cemetery extension and reviewing community facilities, as well as improving community group storage facilities, large tree planting projects, refurbishment of the village sign, as just a few.

It doesn't cost you anything to stand for co-option, with details available within this site, from the Parish Clerk and from the Electoral Services team at Blaby District Council on how to let the Council know you would like to be co-opted.

Being a Parish Councillor offers you a real opportunity to influence the growth of your village and your parish, the development of your wider community and improvement of your local surroundings.


Are you eligible to be co-opted? The easy answer is, "almost definitely". As long as you are:

  • British or a citizen of the Commonwealth or European Union,
  • At least 18 years old, (we will consider anyone who is approaching their 18th birthday)
  • Registered to vote in the area or have lived, worked or owned property there for at least 12 months before an election.

You can't be a councillor if you:

  • Work for the council you want to be a councillor for, or for another local authority in a politically restricted post,
  • Are the subject of a bankruptcy restrictions order or interim order,
  • Have been sentenced to prison for three months or more (including suspended sentences) during the 5 years before election day,
  • Have been convicted of a corrupt or illegal practice by an election court.

Further Information

  • How to become a parish councillor (PDF, 153 Kb)

    This guide gives you a brief insight into parish and town councils, as well as providing specific advice and information on how to become a parish councillor.
    The toolkit includes the following information:
    •Introduction to town and parish councils
    •Being a councillor
    •Am I qualified
    •How to become a councillor
    •Further information and case studies

  • The Good Councillors Guide - 2017 Edition (PDF, 1.1 Mb)

    This guide introduces the work of town and parish councils and the part councillors play in the first tier of local government closest to the people. It is also a useful reference. It is divided into five parts to help new, or even experienced, Councillors.

  • It takes all sorts (PDF, 5.2 Mb)

    This booklet, developed by the National Association of Local Councils in conjunction with the Be A Councillor campaign, highlights the experiences of just a few of the many councillors on local councils and serves to show how rewarding representing your community can be. This (second) edition contains six new local councillor case studies. Each councillor gives their reasons for becoming a local councillor in the first place, what motivates them to remain in their community role and what they want to achieve as local councillors in the future.

  • Power To The People: What Are Local Councils? (PDF, 1018 Kb)

    Parish, town, community, neighbourhood and village councils are often referred to as local councils. They are a type of local authority.
    Like other types of local authorities, local councils are involved in delivery of services and facilities for the public.
    There are over 9,000 local councils in England. A local council enjoys a wide range of statutory powers related to the provision or support of certain services or facilities which generally benefit the residents who live in its area.
    Local councils need active, interested and committed people to become councillors and get involved in their work.
    This section briefly explains:
    • how local councils fit into the structure of local government
    • what a local council is
    • examples of local council activities
    • different sizes, different priorities
    • the role of a local councillor
    • how local councils make a difference

If you wish to find out more, or have any specific questions please call the Clerk on 01455 844 539 / 07875 291 366 or send an email to clerk@huncote-pc.gov.uk.

Last updated: Thu, 25 Apr 2024 09:54